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Mailbox  |  1992-11-30  |  1MB

This file was processed as: Mailbox (archive/mbox).

You can browse this item here: www_talk.arc

Program Identifications
ConfidenceProgramIdentificationMatch Type
100% dexvert Mailbox (mbox) magic
100% dexvert Internet Message Format (imf) magic
66% dexvert PAK/ARC Compressed Archive (arc) ext
65% dexvert ArcFS Archive (arcFS) ext
1% dexvert FreeArc Archive (freeArc) ext
1% dexvert Text File (txt) fallback
100% file data default
74% TrID Standard Unix Mailbox default
25% TrID E-Mail message (Var. 2) default
100% perlTextCheck Likely Text (Perl) default